Auto Injury
Auto Injury
A car accident can have a devastating effect or after effect, on an individual. Both can be physically and financially detrimental to one’s life. Motor vehicle accidents often result in a variety of complex injuries and symptoms. Here are just a few of the most commonly sustained injuries: whiplash, headaches, back pain and injuries to the neck, shoulders, knees and other extremities.
Often, individuals experience little or no symptoms initially following a car accident but may develop consequently after. Most suffer from a variety of symptoms including pain and decreased function and mobility. Often the trauma associated with these types of injuries takes days and sometimes weeks to manifest itself. That is why it is important to receive immediate and appropriate treatment following an auto accident. The longer you delay treatment the harder it may be to get back to normal.
SOS PHYSIO Clinicians
Create customized programs that improve function and promote healing in a timely manner. They will assist you in returning you to your normal, daily, living activities as soon as possible. We offer excellent services, communication and accessibility. At SOS PHYSIO we specialize in getting you back to work and back to your regular life sooner.